Food expenses for Robotex 2016 have been pretty high, more than 500€ in total. Couple times a week we ordered pizza from Pööning, grabbed some asian food from Drumsticks or simply bought stuff from Selver.
Pizza fund contributors:
- Valdur Kaldvee 83€
- Arti Zirk 60€
- Katrin Loodus 35€
- Anonymous contributor 35€
- Mikk Mangus 32€
- Anonymous contributor 20€
- Mario Hallaste 20€
- Allan Vein 20€
- Madis Toom 20€
- Tauri Metsoja 20€
- Erki Naumanis 20€
- Silver Kuusik 10€
- Lauri Võsandi the rest
Thank you guys, you’re the best! :)
If you want also to contribute please make transfer to Lauri Võsandi (EE937700771000679333) as this is out of the scope of NGO/MTÜ.